Serious Play is committed to providing top quality, unique theatre experiences for its home audiences in the Connecticut River Valley. The Northampton Arts Council & the BJ. Goodwin Award funds helped to seed the evolution of the Serious Play-Edinburgh Fringe Performance Exchange. We are grateful to the Northampton Arts Council for providing past grassroots funding in support of several of our original productions which toured to the Edinburgh International Fringe Festival in Scotland.  

Now, the new EDINBURGH FRINGE PERFORMANCE EXCHANGE supports tours of Serious Play’s new original performance work, to be presented at the international Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Scotland (every other August), and brings back outstanding and inspiring theatre productions and new scripts, from the Edinburgh Fringe to share with Valley audiences. 

We intend that international audiences at the Fringe get a full sense of the wealth of talent here in the Connecticut River Valley of Western Massachusetts, USA thus promoting opportunities for future connections & artistic collaborations. 

Please consider going to our SUPPORT section to contribute to this new initiative.